Informal Engagement
The resources are organised in Modules. Each Module addresses a particular topic related to career development and livelihood planning (e.g., The Manifestation of Career, Assessment for Career Guidance and so on). Modules are made up of units addressing sub topics (e.g., Post-industrial society and the emerging work ethic, would be a unit under the Module: The Manifestation of Career).
Click here for an overview of the Modules.
All registered candidates will receive the following:
- detailed lecture notes drawing upon the most important papers and other material in the field.
- a video lecture or demonstration
- a list of open access resources such as papers and web based resources.
- a comprehensive relevant reference list
- links to other relevant, reliable sources on the internet
- other interesting additions such as: interviews, movies, documentaries.
If you want to engage with the programme just to build your knowledge, with no intention of qualifying for a certificate or diploma, you are welcome to take up just want you want. Select any Module or unit you are interested in and once registered you will have access to all material associated with Module or unit. You can then use the material self-tutor yourself.